Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Common Name: Pluto sphinx
Scientific Name: Xylophanes pluto
Family: Sphingidae
Sample Submitter: JoAnn Hoffman
Sample ID: 17-2870
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host Plant: Blackberry
Common Name: Algal stem blight
Scientific Name: Cephaleuros virescens
Sample Submitter: Juanita Popenoe
Sample ID: 17-2809
Sample Type: Plant/Weed
Common Name: Turk's turban, skyrocket, tubeflower
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
Sample Submitter: Yvette Goodiel
Sample ID: 17-1882
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Pineapple
Common Name: Mexican bromeliad weevil
Scientific Name: Metamasius callizona
Family: Curculionidae
Sample Submitter: Jonael Bosques
Sample ID: 18-4673
Sample Type: Mushroom/Fungus
Common Name: Pleurotus
Sample Submitter: Mike Donahoe
Sample ID: 16-4468
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Common Name: Snowbush spanworm
Scientific Name: Melanchroia chephise
Family: Geometridae
Sample Submitter: Joe Sewards
Sample ID: 15-2335
Sample Type: Plant/Weed
Common Name: Feather lovegrass, Japanese lovegrass, bug's egg grass
Scientific Name: Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn. ex Wight
Family: Poaceae (Grass Family)
Sample Submitter: JoAnn Hoffman
Sample ID: 18-3998
Sample Type: Insect (Non-plant)
Common Name: Scarlet-bodied wasp moth
Scientific Name: Cosmosoma myrodora
Family: Arctiidae
Sample Submitter: Lisa Hickey
Sample ID: 18-2818
Sample Type: Plant/Weed
Common Name: Woodland elaeocarpus, Japanese blueberry tree
Scientific Name: Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Por.
Family: Eleaocarpaceae (elaeocarpus family)
Sample Submitter: Alicia Lamborn
Sample ID: 17-5672
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Weeping fig - Amstel
Common Name: Ficus Whitefly
Scientific Name: Singhiella simplex
Family: Aleyrodidae
Sample Submitter: Mark Tancig
Sample ID: 18-4332
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host: Pittosporum
Common Name: Felt fungus
Scientific Name: Septobasidium sp./spp.
Sample Submitter: Rebecca Jordi
Sample ID: 18-3841
Sample Type: Insect (Non-plant)
Common Name: West Indian drywood termite
Scientific Name: Cryptotermes brevis
Family: Kalotermitidae
Sample Submitter: Eva Pabon
Sample ID: 17-5515
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host: Tomato
Common Name: Phytophthora Fruit Rot
Scientific Name: Phytophthora capsica
Sample Submitter: Consuelo Estevez
Sample ID: 18-3646
Sample Type: Plant/Weed
Common Name: Panicgrass
Scientific Name: Panicum sp.
Family: Poaceae (Grass Family)
Sample Submitter: Mark Mauldin
Sample ID: 18-1801
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Jujube
Common Name: Myllocerus Weevil
Scientific Name: Myllocerus undecimpustulatus undatus
Family: Curculionidae
Sample Submitter: Yvette Goodiel
Sample ID: 17-4432
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host: Royal Poinciana, Delonix regia
Common Name: Fusarium Canker
Scientific Name: Fusarium oxysporum
Sample Submitter: Bill Schall
Sample ID: 18-7202
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Twinflower
Common Name: Greenhouse Orthezia
Scientific Name: Orthezia insignis
Family: Ortheziidae
Sample Submitter: Yvette Goodiel
Sample ID: 18-7929
Sample Type: Insect (Non-plant)
Host: Spanish Needle
Common Name: Black-winged dahana
Scientific Name: Dahana atripennis
Family: Erebidae
Sample Submitter: Mark Tancig
Sample ID: 18-6043
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host: Avocado
Common Name: Anthracnose
Sample Submitter: Julie Schelb
Sample ID: 18-8502
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Common Name: Southern tussock moth
Scientific Name: Dasychira meridionalis
Family: Erebidae
Sample Submitter: Jim Moll
Sample ID: 18-8303
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Viburnum odoratissimum
Common Name: Citrus Flatid Planthopper
Scientific Name: Metcalfa pruinosa
Family: Flatidae
Sample Submitter: Mary Beth Henry
Sample ID: 08-3224
Sample Type: Plant/Weed
Common Name: Chinaberry, chinaberry tree, Persian lilac, pride of India
Scientific Name: Melia azedarach L.
Family: Meliaceae (Mahogany Family)
Toxicity: Leaves & fruit toxic if consumed
Sample Submitter: Bill Lester
Sample ID: 18-5728
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Passionflower
Common Name: Barnacle Scale
Scientific Name: Ceroplastes cirripediformis
Family: Coccidae
Sample Submitter: Ralph Mitchell
Sample ID: 08-4575
Sample Type: Insect (Plant)
Host: Ilex x attenuata 'Eagleston'
Common Name: Diaprepes Root Weevil
Scientific Name: Diaprepes abbreviatus
Family: Curculionidae
Sample Submitter: Jim Moll
Sample ID: 17-9243
Sample Type: Plant Disease
Host: Plumbago
Common Name: Crown Gall
Scientific Name: Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Sample Submitter: Polk MG
Sample ID: 18-5686
Distance Diagnostic and Identification System (DDIS)
The DDIS is a digital diagnostic collaboration and communication platform for UF/IFAS Extension. The system allows Extension agents and their clientele in Florida to submit digital samples to UF/IFAS diagnostic laboratories, clinics, and specialists for quick diagnosis. Authorized users may submit samples of plant diseases, insects, plant/weed, mushroom/fungus, invasive species, plant management, physiology, and nutrient related problems.
Through interactions on the Internet between extension agents and specialists, problems can be communicated immediately and assessed. Specialists around the state can perform diagnosis and identification and provide the best management practice recommendations to the users. The archived DDIS database becomes a resource for research, educational programs, and classroom teaching.
The threat of pests and plant diseases has the potential to seriously damage our agriculture and food supply. The DDIS can be used as a tool to enhance the capacity for screening, early detection, monitoring, pest mapping, and rapid communication to protect agriculture.
DDIS: Protecting agriculture in Florida and beyond.